Member-only story
Never Too Old for Crayons
Never Too Old for Crayons: don’t believe me? Go out and buy a box; grab a few sheets of paper from your printer, and start drawing anything that comes to your mind. A tree would be nice, maybe a house on a hill, maybe your family, stick figures will work here. And oh yes cars, trucks and baby dolls. You may be having flashbacks at this point. Every box of crayons is enchanted, every color spellbounding. Every drawing you make is charmed with your own dreamy imagination, it mesmerizes you, and in some cases others. Crayons become supernatural in the hands of a child, and if you have become too colorless and monochromatic in your own life, they will help you transcend years of unimaginativeness, unsensational and uninspiring creativity.
Crayons have an uncanny ability to mediate difficult situations. Several years ago my wife Inci (Angie) and our daughter, went to a business meeting that had the potential to be uncomfortable for all parties. The meeting was held in one of those tall corporate buildings near Century City, in Los Angeles. The meeting room was large and grand, with a conference table the size of the proverbial barge, the kind people always joke about. This was one of those meetings where we had to take our daughter with us, because we had no babysitter at the time. But the truth is, we almost always took her to meetings, it was fun for her, and it was fun for my wife and I to get her…