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Milk-N-Honey and Art
Art that gives off energy… It’s nurturing and sweet. If you ever had the opportunity to gaze upon one of the world’s great art works, you will discover there often is an innate aura. This inborn deep-rooted feeling the art projects is by no means an accident. Nor is it a fluke of lighting, location or the crowd surrounding it. It rarely is the result of the viewer reading the biographies and histories of the artist that created it. Is it the actual painting scene itself, perhaps in some cases it is, but even the most fundamental abstract painting can literally create the viewer’s heart to palpitate.
Paintings by their very nature are made up of paint, and that paint can be applied to a multitude of surfaces. One could guess that maybe the pigments in the paints themselves impart a special kind of intrinsic vibrating energy. Artist paint is made up of various substances from the earth, those substances or minerals certainly do reflect an energy, after all that’s how minerals are made, they’re derived from the forces of nature. Paint itself, most likely is not doing the job in transmitting what the artist felt, or how the artist lived, which almost always ends up in the painted creation itself.
Art is influential; not everyone can tune in. I discovered that those that walk through a museum, especially one of the great museums of the world, and they take that journey through every…