Member-only story
Compatibility Factor
You can feel the warmth, depending upon your take of the tone of their voices. We say things to each other, often in a tone that to us is neutral and maybe even kind. The recipient on the other end, may not always take that tone as a sign of cooperative feelings. A many of hurt feelings or misinterpretations would simply go away if we just smothered our own speaking voice with mooney saccharine. You know; no one can resist “Sugar and spice and everything nice.”
“Just-a-swingin.” Charlotte Johnson was on the front porch swingin, with her hope to be, full-time boyfriend. They mutually discovered their compatibility, started with their love of sitting on the front porch, just-a-swingin, and all the while there were goings-on in and outside of the house. Her brother was on the sofa eating chocolate pie, her mama was in the kitchen cuttin’ chicken up to fry, her daddy was in the backyard rolling up a garden hose. Now this is all really taking place in a song called; Swingin, sung by John Anderson.
We don’t really know how many beaus sat on that swing with Charlotte. But there’s one thing for certain, that was the beginning of her compatibility factor. Sometimes it’s the simplest things we do in life, that open up the greatest doors to love and happiness, and even creative success.
First day of school, first day on a new job, and the always dicey first date…