Behind The Light In The Window

Rod Jones Artist-writer
9 min readMay 4, 2024

Behind The Light in the Window

A short story by Rod Jones-Artist

“Why do you leave the light on in the window my dear Spirit Angel?” Joe asked his wife.” “Well, Adahy. The name Joe’s wife Jenny often called her husband which means, Lives in the Woods. “There’s a reason why I have been leaving that light on, night and day and I’m not ready to share that reason with you Joe. Jenny’s response to her husband who she truly and affectionately loved was not meant to be secretive. Joe understood his Spirit Angel wife, and that she had her own special ways of sharing her most inner spiritual thoughts.

Joe and Jenny lived in a flagstone and adobe dwelling that sat outside of Monument Valley. It was never clearly understood if they lived on the reservation or just outside of its boundaries. Their home was built two generations before they were born, right on the Utah-Arizona state line. Jenny met Joe when she was 16 at a Tribal Council meeting. Joe was just turning 19. They got to know each other in spite of Jenny’s parents disapproval. On Jenny’s 18th birthday she and Joe became husband and wife. Their life together was a happy and loving one. Joe and Jenny had six children, as each of them became adults they moved away to start their own lives and find meaningful jobs. Leaving Joe and Jenny to spend their final years in the…



Rod Jones Artist-writer

Warning! Weekly non-AI organically written short stories that may cause happiness! Engaging stories will liven (up) your day -